Q&A with our Telemarketing Manager

It’s a Tuesday afternoon in November and the Digital Marketing Team meet for a chat with Jasmine Phillips, Hayward Miller’s Telemarketing Manager to get an insight into her career with the company, and to ask some valuable questions regarding recruitment.
Q 1: How long have you been with Hayward Miller?
A: Just over a year now
Q 2: Sum yourself up in one word
A: Lively!
Q 3: What drives you in your role every day?
A: I would probably say working with my lovely colleagues, they always put a smile on my face every day. Also working with clients as well, it’s lovely to talk to them.
Q 4: Name a past success story of yours here at HM, how did it make you feel?
A: It must be my first sale for a client. I was over the moon, and it was such a buzz. Being able to approach my MD Andy and say, “I’ve got one!” – I still get that buzz when I get a sale now.
Q 5: If you had to narrow it down to one thing, what do you most look forward to when you come into work?
A: I really enjoy working on a different client every day, being able to come into work and start each day with something completely different.
Q 6: Do you enjoy working for multiple clients? Why is this?
A: Yes, I do! You never know what you’re going to come into the following day, you never feel like you get stuck in a rut either as every day is different and you could be working with a completely different industry as well which is great, it’s very refreshing!
Q 7: Do you think the role of a telemarketer is often stereotyped due to cold calling?
A: Unfortunately, it is. However, working here is completely different. We never cold call, it’s always warm calls and that’s achieved by the hard work from the Market Research team, they target exactly who we need to be speaking to and see whether they have a need or not.
Q 8: What do you think makes a good hayward miller employee?
A: Hard work, fitting in with the team and importantly, enjoying what you do.
Q 9: Why should people come and work with us?
A: We are a happy bunch here, hardworking and we always feel valued and get rewarded for hard work as well. It’s a good job to be in.
Q 10: What would your advice be to anyone looking to join HM?
A: Just do it, if you feel the role is right for you, then by all means get in touch. It’s a great place to work!
15 minutes later and it’s a wrap, the Digital Marketing team would like to say a massive thank you to Jasmine Phillips for her cooperation, even through the giggles.
A video of the full Q&A session can be found on our company LinkedIn page; you can view it by following this link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/hayward-miller-ltd_salesopportunity-hiring-careers-activity-6869299914967531521-Sx1W