“There’s life in the old dog yet…”-Why your business should use E-Mail Marketing.

Your Outsourced Sales Team

“There’s life in the old dog yet…”-Why your business should use E-Mail Marketing.

E-Mail marketing might well be one of the oldest forms of communication online having been with us since 1971, but it is still very much alive and kicking. It is estimated that we send around 333.2 billion emails a day, that’s a whopping 3.5 million a second! So, what is all the fuss about?

Firstly, there is direct communication with your target market. People check their emails every day, so the likelihood of your marketing being seen is far greater than, for example, a billboard. This provides you with a presence in your target market’s pocket that traditional marketing cannot deliver. E-Mail marketing provides a cost-effective way to talk directly to your audience. Even just a presence in the inbox is valuable as it keeps your brand in the thoughts of the recipient.

Secondly, there is the control you have over your email marketing, with some other forms of marketing such as Social Media marketing you do not own the platform. This means factors such as algorithms can negatively affect the marketing capability of your marketing, as your intended audience may not see the ad on their feed as the algorithm may not see it as valuable to them. With E-Mail marketing, you own the platform meaning you can decide who sees your content, how frequently and at what time. These are all important variables when it comes to marketing. The control you have over your E-Mail marketing opens opportunities for personalisation, as you can use data to create hyper-targeted campaigns. Studies have shown that segmented and personalised campaigns increase revenue by 760%; this statistic is staggering and so simple to replicate for your business with the use of E-Mail Marketing as a tool.

The mass audience you can target with email marketing is further proof you should be using it. The scalability with this method is strong as it does not put a strain on your resources or affect quality. With E-Mail marketing once you have taken the time to write your script and select your target market the hard work is done; and your resources can be used elsewhere. Once the “backbone” of the email campaign has been completed, it is just a case of monitoring and recording the replies.

Finally, the measurability of emailing is another big plus point. The amount of control E-Mail marketing provides allows you to clearly monitor what variables work such as target market, script, job title etc. The number of responses and replies is a clear indicator as to whether the campaign is successful, compared to other methods where you have no idea how many people have actually seen and engaged with your advert.

To further support our argument for E-Mail marketing, the capabilities have only been accelerated with the introduction of Automated mailing software such as Mailchimp and Send in Blue. These tools have helped to evolve E-Mail marketing, and as any good businessman will say you have to evolve with the market or you get left behind. This software allows you to set up targeted campaigns that can mail to a mass audience. The software makes the process quick and simple and allows your brand to reach out on a scale that would not be possible without E-Mail.

What is that old saying? There’s life in the old dog yet, and as we have touched upon in this blog E-Mail Marketing is still loudly barking.

By Dan Wright.

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